Oh crap people, 3 more years until we see what's going down in 2012 are ya'll excited i'm not.
with that in mind here what could happen in 2012 1. the sun is gonna go rapid on us by firirng burst of solar radiation or solar flares 2. the galactic alinement could set off every super volcano in the world cause gravitational pressure put on to the earth 3. nuribu. . .
It would suck hard if all three of these endings were to happen at once. Although this may not be the end just the beggining what i mean that is in 2012 we will the age of aqaurias or aqaurious how ever you spell it. there are some theories saying that nothing will happen at all.
I'm not going to get in to this much just a brief of could, the worst thing about this is that i'll 18 that year one more month away from being 19 that sucks . . . i'm too young for this...or not.
It would be cool if the hand of god would like back hand nuribu into space while 7 billion people are watching, that would be epic.
ok....what was that about again you lost me at the start
umm try reading it again.